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Our advocacy work

Our purpose

We advocate for better health and social outcomes for women experiencing hyperemesis gravidarum in New Zealand

Objective 1

Better training on HG identification and treatment for Lead Maternity Carers

Objective 2

Better treatment protocols established and adopted by healthcare providers

Objective 3

Better patient access to information on HG identification and treatment options

Objective 4

Better access to income supports for women unable to work due to HG

How we will achieve our objectives

We will use public channels to advocate for changes to policies and practices.

Completed work

Since mid-2024 we have:

  • Established HG Advocacy NZ and our website
  • Created Getting through Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Non-clinical guidance for women suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum in New Zealand
  • Contacted each of the six midwifery schools to request information on their coverage of HG within their programmes
  • Met with the midwifery council to discuss how the improve knowledge of HG amongst registered midwives (and students of midwifery)
  • Submitted an OIA to Te Whātu Ora request copies of treatment protocols used across 3 of the 18 Te Whātu Ora districts (the initial request for all districts was declined, so the 3 districts will provide a sample)
  • Created our Instagram page – 
  • Created a survey for women who have experienced HG in New Zealand in the last 5 years – survey is still available to complete
  • Engaged with MBIE to confirm parental leave entitlements for women too sick to work during pregnancy

Work in progress

We are currently working on:

  • Getting a ‘Hyperemesis Gravidarum’ information page created on the website
  • Improving the ‘Hyperemesis Gravidarum’ information page on Healthify
  • Engaging with the College of Midwives
  • Engaging with each of the midwifery schools to improve their HG teaching and assessment standards
  • Engaging with Te Whatu Ora to require improvements to HG protocols within healthcare service providers
  • Engaging with MSD to discuss an approach to advocating for better access to income supports for women too sick to work while pregnant

Can you advocate for me in my pregnancy?

There are some support options already available to women who are struggling with HG in New Zealand.

The Hyperemesis peer support New Zealand Facebook group has almost 1,000 members who can offer guidance and support for women experiencing HG.

The Health and Disability Advocacy is a free service that helps you:

  • understand your rights when using health or disability services
  • listen to your concerns
  • talk through your options

If you have tried these services and have not received the support you need, we may be able to help. You can contact us on

Get involved

We would love your support with our mahi. 

We need support with:

  • Drafting website content
  • Contacting relevant organisations
  • Drafting surveys
  • Uploading HG stories

You can get in touch with us at 

What else can I do to support this cause?

Minister of Health – Shane Reti

  • Consider lodging a complaint with the Health and Disability Commissioner if you believe that you did not receive appropriate healthcare during your pregnancy

  • Contact your current or former LMC to make them aware of the information available. Not all midwives are up to date on the latest guidelines on identifying and treating HG.


Hyperemesis Gravidarum Advocacy New Zealand (HG Advocacy NZ) is an unincorporated organisation established in 2024 by Casey Dalton of Wellington, New Zealand.

We are an advocacy organisation and do not provide medical advice. 

We are not currently requesting or accepting donations.